Week 49 update

Week 49 update – My original plan was to have finished extracting my information from Ancestry within a few weeks but the task has taken me a lot longer than I planned. My list of ancestors has grown to 719 individuals, considerably more than the list I started with (about 260 people).

My current plan is to extract all the original information within 52 weeks which is achievable. I am not tackling the list alphabetically and have my Mansel family to work through and tick off, so should finish this this week if I concentrate.

Then I need to download a new list of ancestors from Ancestry and add them to my original list. I will concentrate on direct ancestors only, leaving brothers and sisters.

Previous posts:

Week 45

Week 42

Week 39

Week 36

Week 34

Week 26

Week 21

Week 19

Week 18

Week 13 update

Week 12 update

Week 6 update

Week 5 update

Week 4 update

Week 3 update

Week 2 update

Week 1 update

The problem with Ancestry

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