Celebrating VE Day in Swindon in 1945

The children wanted to learn a little more about VE Day in 1945. Of course we turned to my mum who was born during the Second World War. She remembered that school was closed that day and there was a huge street party all along their street in Swindon (Whiteman Street in Gorse Hill). I dug out some photos from 8th May 1945.

My Nan was amazing at whipping up new outfits and made a Little Bo Peep outfit for my mum.

1945 VE Day costume

Whilst my Auntie went to her VE Day party as Daddy Down Dilly.

VE Day outfit

I also found this photo of my Nan holding my Auntie, sitting between one of her sisters and her own Mother. It looks like there were a lot of sandwiches and cups of teas back in 1945.

VE Day street party Swindon

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