Be part of The Nation’s Family Album

Be part of The Nation’s Family Album. Your family photos could be in a special display at the National Portrait Gallery in 2023.

Be part of The Nation’s Family Album

The National Portrait Gallery in London holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world, and you could be a part of it. To launch our partnership, we’re creating a special display at the gallery in 2023 called The Nation’s Family Album. Submit your favourite family photo for your chance to feature in the display, we want to include as many as possible.

Submit images that represent what family means to you, thinking about the themes of belongingconnectionlegacy and identity.

It could be your great-grandfather’s military portrait, your family celebrating an important occasion, or even a picture you’ve painted of your aunt. Make sure you include the story behind the image, as we want to know why it’s so special.

Start searching through your camera roll, old albums or even the attic and together we can create The Nation’s Family Album.

You can upload a maximum of three images and entries must be submitted by 30th June 2022. You can enter your images here.

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