Author Archives: jenny

A little update

Since I finished my little Ancestry project I have been enjoying some family history research with the pressure off. I’ve been back to researching people for fun and made some good discoveries:

I did a little research into Sir Edward Bradford Medleycott, who married one of my Mansel triplets, Maria Emma Mansel (2nd cousin 3x removed). Before they were married he travelled whilst in the Army and produced at least two sketchbooks which I found for sale online.

I found a letter written by Captain Thomas Mansel (my third great-grandfather) who wrote to The Duke of Wellington in 1830 seeking a position in the Coastguard. He mentions his ‘melancholy bereavement of losing an amiable wife  in premature labour at the age of 22’. I found this letter by searching his name and the letter popped up in the collection of the University of Southampton.

I discovered that Thomas Mansel had another sister I had not previously discovered. A while ago I went through the parish register for St Ishmael where I believe most of the children of Sir William Mansel has been baptised. I must have missed Francis Henrietta Mansel somehow. I only discovered her as she was mentioned in the will of her brother in law, William Owen Brigstocke who died in 1859 and left her £2000. William Brigstocke had been married to her sister, Harriet Mansel.

A reminder to myself that there is a wealth of information outside of Ancestry!

Week 51 update

Last week I finished my labour of love, downloading any historical document associated with the modest family tree I had built on Ancestry. My goal was to secure the records so I could stop paying Ancestry a monthly fee for the pleasure of hosting my family tree. My original tree was roughly 260 people, all connected directly to me.

Along the way I learned a lot about storing the information myself. Although I have my own family tree hosted on this site, I decided to download the records and store them on my computer (backed up of course!). I might link them to my tree one day when I’m not working full time.

As I went along I got sidetracked, following the direct line but also adding brothers and sisters along the way. I discovered several interesting characters and added a host of places I would like to visit one day to see the churches and villages they lived in.

Of course my original count of 260 people nearly trebled to 719 so now I come to the second phase of my project. I need to update my original Excel file of individuals, but will probably focus on direct lines, and try to ignore the branches where possible. I won’t be closing my Ancestry account just yet, but I’m hoping I can tackle this phase within a year by focusing. I’ll keep you posted.

Previous posts:

Week 49

Week 45

Week 42

Week 39

Week 36

Week 34

Week 26

Week 21

Week 19

Week 18

Week 13 update

Week 12 update

Week 6 update

Week 5 update

Week 4 update

Week 3 update

Week 2 update

Week 1 update

The problem with Ancestry

Week 49 update

Week 49 update – My original plan was to have finished extracting my information from Ancestry within a few weeks but the task has taken me a lot longer than I planned. My list of ancestors has grown to 719 individuals, considerably more than the list I started with (about 260 people).

My current plan is to extract all the original information within 52 weeks which is achievable. I am not tackling the list alphabetically and have my Mansel family to work through and tick off, so should finish this this week if I concentrate.

Then I need to download a new list of ancestors from Ancestry and add them to my original list. I will concentrate on direct ancestors only, leaving brothers and sisters.

Previous posts:

Week 45

Week 42

Week 39

Week 36

Week 34

Week 26

Week 21

Week 19

Week 18

Week 13 update

Week 12 update

Week 6 update

Week 5 update

Week 4 update

Week 3 update

Week 2 update

Week 1 update

The problem with Ancestry

Week 45 update

Since I last wrote an update my tree has jumper from 635 to 702 people! I’m not sure how that happened. I think I am still on track to have saved all the records from Ancestry for the original 286 people on my tree by the year anniversary of me starting this little project. Then I will update my tree with the additional 400 people I have since added. I am going to concentrate on the direct lines of ancestors so I’m hoping that it won’t take me another year to complete in 2026!

Previous posts:

Week 42

Week 39

Week 36

Week 34

Week 26

Week 21

Week 19

Week 18

Week 13 update

Week 12 update

Week 6 update

Week 5 update

Week 4 update

Week 3 update

Week 2 update

Week 1 update

The problem with Ancestry

Week 42 update

I’ve had a few hours to yourself over the weekend and managed to do some more research about the Duncan family. A few years ago a researcher got in touch about George Duncan as his father, James David Duncan, was a famous artist in Montreal, Canada. I was able to add a few more details to my tree, taking the number of people from 623 to 635.

Previous posts:

Week 39

Week 36

Week 34

Week 26

Week 21

Week 19

Week 18

Week 13 update

Week 12 update

Week 6 update

Week 5 update

Week 4 update

Week 3 update

Week 2 update

Week 1 update

The problem with Ancestry

Week 39 update

I’m not sure how we have jumped to a week 39 update so quickly since the last blog post. Unfortunately/fortunately I am still on 623 people in my Ancestry chart which is good. However it means I’ve had no time to do any family history research, mainly due to a much more recent family wedding which we attended last weekend.

I’m hoping that the Christmas holidays will give me some much needed quiet time to do some family history research.

Previous posts:

Week 36

Week 34

Week 26

Week 21

Week 19

Week 18

Week 13 update

Week 12 update

Week 6 update

Week 5 update

Week 4 update

Week 3 update

Week 2 update

Week 1 update

The problem with Ancestry